Conservationist, bass recorder player extroardinaire, U3A and BEAM member Peter Mitchell has been working with various conservation groups on a project to identify and list 36 of the best nature reserves, parks and forests in the mitchell Shire. Visit the website at to download guides and maps of walking paths and to learn more […]
Registration Day 2024 will be held at the new JJ Clancy community hub at the JJ Clancy Reserve, Kelly’s Lane, Kilmore. It will be on Friday January 19th from 10.00 am until 12 Noon. Come along and register for classes, speak to the convenors and renew your membership. Tea and coffee will be available.
Delays with building supplies impact JJ Clancy Project. Ongoing delays affecting materials needed to complete the building have pushed the anticipated access date to mid-June. The Committee of Management hope to have a ‘Walk Through’ prior to their next meeting on May 31st and an update will be sent following the meeting. We have been […]
Yoga classes for 2023 are limited as Eva and her husband will be travelling extensively during the year. Until further notice, the classes will be held in the Kilmore Seniors Hall, opposite Hudson Park. Once the Shire notifies us that the new community rooms at the football club are completed, classes will then be held […]
Registration Day is Friday January 20th at the Kilmore Memorial Hall from 10am to 12noon. You can Join U3A as a new member, renew your existing membership and view the Classes available including days, times and locations and enroll for those classes you wish to join. If not already sent/paid, bring your Membership Form [copies […]
I am looking for expressions of interest for an upholstery class for 2023. I am not sure of the day yet but most likely Wednesday or Friday. We will focus on respringing and webbing to begin with but we can also look at Cane Rattan work and fabric upholstery renovation. We will start at the […]