After two very difficult years dodging covid restrictions, let’s hope that this year will find us all busy with the courses we’ve come to enjoy so much. We have all missed the social contact as well, so it’s great to be back.
We are presently setting all the classes and courses for this year, so if there is something missing in our programme that you would like to attend (or co-ordinate), we would very much like to hear from you. We are open to all suggestions and are very eager to fill up the remaining timeslots at the U3A Centre. It would be great to have the Centre fully occupied this year.
Please email our Secretary at
All members are required to be fully vaccinated now, and we ask that everyone adheres to the current covid restrictions as set by the Victorian Government. At present it is required that members are to wear masks indoors except when eating or drinking.
Covid Update:
There was some discussion by the committee whether or not U3A members should still be wearing masks as The Premier has lifted restrictions. It was decided that this was a personal decision and it was noted that there are quite a lot of affected people in Kilmore with at least 14 folk in the Elms Village who have tested positive. So it is up to members to decide for themselves as no directive has come from U3A Victoria.